What should 350 South Florida accomplish locally in 2015? The elected Executive Committee is meeting Sunday, and we'd appreciate your input. Email us at 350SouthFlorida@gmail.com or post on Facebook.
In January 2014, 350 South Florida had a productive Kickstart planning retreat to choose our priorities. Now we'd like to collect your thoughts for 2015 as the Executive puts new wheels in motion (with elections coming again soon). Last year we choose 4 areas:
1. Earth Day Collaboration: join other groups and events to support climate change awareness
2. Divestment: form a committee and use 350.org’s national Fossil Free campaign
3. Local Officials: form a committee to research topics and create a sustainability checklist to distribute, with a focus on local plans and infrastructure
4. Awareness: All activities, with a focus on sea level rise
We can revisit these topics and build upon our successes in 2014 (see http://facebook.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=963c37b63999ebb50392240c8&id=cac8e73726&e=3aeb5415ad).
What would you like to do with us?
350 South Florida collects email addresses in person and online to connect our community.
Our mailing address is:
350 South Florida
536 NE 128th St
North Miami, FL 33161
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