Our partners at Goodsearch have added more ways to help Trash to Treasure raise money at no cost to you in addition to the ways we have already mentioned here.
Play video games for free here and T2T gets a penny or two. A great way to keep the kids occumpied on that summer vacation and help our all volunteer nonprofit. Click here.
We know with the DVR and downloads you miss those old fashion tv ads. Visit Goodtvads and you just might find a product you are interested in.
Corporations and organizations want to know your opinion. When you take a survey with Goodsurvey a donation is made to Trash to Treasure.
Is is similar to Goodshop but the coupons and savings are right up front. When you take advantage of the offers, a donation is made to T2T.
Who doesn't use the internet to book travel? With all the popular travel web sites, Goodtravel donates a portion of your travel costs back to T2T with no additional cost to you. Check it out next time you travel.
Our small all-volunteer organization gets only 1/3 of its operational budget from memberships. The rest comes from donations and earned income outside of the Center. Your help makes a difference.
Remember to make Trash to Treasure your selected charity.